Inclusion and Special Educational Needs
At Manor Drive Secondary Academy we believe that every child has the right to achieve their full potential. We aim to raise the aspirations of, and expectations for, children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). We are united in the belief that every child, inclusive of those with SEND, have the right to participate in and enjoy every aspect of Academy life. We will work in partnership with parents, school staff, governors and students to make this belief a reality. We adapt our provision to meet the needs of the children in our school. We are committed to providing quality first teaching so that all children make progress with their learning wherever their starting point may be. The specific support will depend on the needs of the individual child, the aim being to remove barriers to learning.
Our SEND report 2024-25 is available here.
Our SEND policy is available here.
Local Offer is available here.
Trust SENCo - Mrs B Harrison
Manor Drive SENCO - Mr N Reid
Assistant SENCO - Mrs L Magovern
Deputy SENCO - Mrs Z Burtle