Design and Technology

In Design and Technology students combine practical and technological skills with creative thinking to design and make products and systems that meet human needs.  They learn to use current technologies and consider the impact of future technological developments.  They learn to think creatively and intervene to improve the quality of life, solving problems as individuals and members of a team.

At Key Stage 3, students follow schemes of work that develop and explore new skills.  The complexity of the project increases as the students progress through the Key Stage.  Within their projects students combine practical and intellectual skills with an understanding of aesthetic, technical, cultural, health, social, emotional, economic industrial and environmental issues.  As they do, they evaluate present and past Design and Technology and its uses and effects.  Through Design and Technology students develop confidence in using practical skills and become discriminating users of products.  They apply their creative thinking and learning skills within Resistant Materials, Textiles and Food. 

Please see the CURRICULUM ROADMAP attached for more information.